- Is church over yet? 礼拜做完了吗?
- The trouble isn't over yet, I'll warrant you. 麻烦事并没有完,我可以给你打包票。
- The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。
- But the show is not utterly over yet. 四月还没有开始就结束了。
- The search-engine battle is not over yet. 这场搜索引擎之战才刚刚开始。
- Mary: Is the track meet over yet? 玛丽:田径比赛结束了吗?
- Don't jinx it!The game is not over yet. 话别说得太早!比赛还没结束呢。
- The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but is not over yet. 会议原定两小时,不过现在还没有结束?
- The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。
- "I honestly don't believe the tie is over yet," said coach Munoz. 穆尼奥斯表示:“我当然不会认为比赛已经结束了。
- The car industry's design shakeup isn't over yet, folks. 汽车产业的设计调整还没有结束,人们。
- The meeting was scheduled for two hours but it is nit over yet. 会议原订两个小时。不过到现在还没有结束。
- As an interdenominational society, outreach is church based. 作为一个教派的社会,是教会的宣传。
- I haven't looked my mail over yet. 我还没有看完我的信件哩。
- Will any man say that any right can be derived unto a Christian church over its brethren from a Turkish emperor? 那么谁能说:土耳其的君主可以授予一个基督教会惩罚另一个基督教会的权利?
- It's not over yet,not by a long chalk. 这事还没有了结,远远没有。
- But the landmark could quickly be overshadowed by divisions in the Church over the Bible and sexuality throughout world Anglicanism. 然而,由于该教派对《圣经》观点不一,且全世界各基督教派对性观念存在分歧,这一里程碑式事件将很快因此而黯然失色。
- In Greece, people are still on the floor of the church over onto lauryl leaves, this is probably to rely on its antibacterial qualities. 在希腊,人们仍在教堂的楼层上遍洒月桂叶,这大概是要借重它的抗菌特质。
- In 1750 he was dismissed from the Northampton church over a disagreement on who was eligible to take communion, and he became pastor in Stockbridge in 1751. 1750年爱德华兹因与教派理念不合被北安普敦教堂解聘,1751年任斯托克布里奇(Stockbridge)牧师。
- It wasn't over yet, but Henri was now in possession of his capital. 亨利现在掌握了首都,在他面前有大量工作要做。